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Computer Advice Part 1 of 9 - Hardware Terms

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Verizon Wireless Invalid Username Or Password

Verizon Wireless Air Card Invalid Username Or Password

I haven't came across this issue in quite some time, but I did recently, and thought I'd blog the fix for it.  It's an issue of when you have a Verizon Wireless air card, and when you try to connect your computer using the VZW (Verizon Wireless) Access Manager, it tells you that your login or password is invalid.

Weird, eh?  Well, there are two steps to fix this issue.  The first step is to re-activate your air card by clicking on the Options drop-down menu and then click on Activate.  This will fix the issue, but only if it's on your end.

If re-activating your air card didn't work, then the issue is on Verizon Wireless' end, meaning that you'll have to call their nationwide number.  Don't bother with your local Verizon Wireless store because they'll have no clue as how to fix it, and they'll usually insist that it's your computer's fault because their system is flawless and perfect.  However, this is far from the truth.

When you call their nationwide number, be prepared for the first line of defense.  They'll want you to uninstall and reinstall their VZW Access Manager, update the firmware for the air card and their software, etc.  None of these solutions will work, but may indirectly fix any other issues.  Once they figure out that this didn't fix the problem, then they'll redirect your call to the second line of defense.  You may even be offered a new air card, which may not fix the issue.

After about the second or third person, you'll eventually encounter someone who knows about this issue, and knows how to fix it.  I'm not exactly sure about the wording they use, but it has something to do with resetting your air card's Verizon Wireless account, and usually takes about five minutes for the entire process.  Some say they have to delete (erase) your air card's account and create a new one.  Others may say that they have to re-associate your air card's ESN or phone number, or give your air card a new phone number.  Either way, they have to make changes to your air card's account to fix the problem, but it's on their end and not on yours!

Click this link of how to contact Verizon Wireless's national number.  You may also try 1-800-922-0204, but who knows how long this number may be active.

I hope that someone who's frustrated encountering this issue and getting the run-around from Verizon Wireless finds this blog helpful!


Roberta said...

Can anyone help me? If you can, my email is robertalynschoeneman@gmail.com if you can help. My husband has blocked me from seeing his & my on-line Verizon Wireless Account info by creating a new user-name & password on our paperless internet account. What I need is HOW to get around these user-name/password blocks to be able to view our cell phone calls....I fear he may be cheating on me with his cell, that is why he is hiding all his info. Any help at this time will be welcome...thank you...Roberta, a wife who needs answers!

Unknown said...

Have you tried contacting Verizon Wireless' national phone number about this issue? I wouldn't even contact your Verizon Wireless' local office. You may have to be the primary account phone number to access the account. I wouldn't disclose the information you posted here, but simply tell them that you have forgotten your login/password, and need to change it.