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Computer Advice Part 1 of 9 - Hardware Terms

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Jon Stewart Interview On Rachel Maddows Show

The Maddow/Stewart interview uncut

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart sits down for a lengthy interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. This is the full, uncut interview including some footage that was not included in the 11/11 TRMS.

I feel that this is a video everyone should watch, both conservatives and liberals alike.  Jon Stewart hammers on how our news media and politics have become so polarized, along with some interesting points on a few different political topics!  It's almost 50 minutes long, but is a must-see.

During the interview, Rachel Maddow remarks of what Bill Maher said recently on his show, Real Time with Bill Maher.  In case anyone is interested, here's that video...

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