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If you're looking for some computer help, then I highly recommend by starting with my first part in my series:
Computer Advice Part 1 of 9 - Hardware Terms

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Save Rutherford College Elementary

Burke County officials are considering shutting down Rutherford College Elementary School because of budget cuts.   It is one of the oldest and smallest elementary schools, yet the highest performing elementary in the county, if not the state.  The school is very dear to me because  I am the third out of four generations who has attended there.  My grandmother (my mother's mother), my mother, along with myself and my sister attended there, and now our children go to school there.

Because it is a small community elementary school, our children have more undivided attention from teachers than most other elementary schools have.  My oldest daughter currently reads at a fourth grade reading level, and she's only in FIRST GRADE.  My other daughter, Kori, struggled during her first couple of months in Kindergarten, but because of the devoted teachers at Rutherford College Elementary working with her and with us, she enjoys reading at her grade level.  Teachers and other faculty at Rutherford College Elementary are more concerned about our children's education more so than their pay and benefits.  My wife and I have always had positive experiences interacting and working with the faculty at Rutherford College Elementary.

Directly from the Visit Burke County website (http://www.visitburkecounty.com/education.htm):
Rutherford College Elementary School received two national awards in 2005. The school was named a Title I Distinguished School and a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. It is one of only 10 schools in the state to receive the Blue Ribbon distinction.
Rutherford College Elementary is also an Honor School of Excellence, rated #1 elementary school in Burke County since 2000, and even has high reviews from national websites:

It is rated a 10 out of 10 by GreatSchools.org. Out of a 570  total rating, it was rated 564 in 2007 and 570 in both 2003 and 2005 by PSK12.com.

Shutting down such a high performing school would effect our children's education and many aspects of our lives.  Not only would they have to attend a lesser performing school, but would add another 280 students to the surrounding local elementary schools, and thus adding more workloads for other teachers in already bloated classrooms.  Students would receive even less undivided attention from their teachers, have more distractions, and grades would drop.  Shutting down Rutherford College Elementary would tear apart friendships... relationships between students, teachers, and parents.  It would greatly affect our community, and even our property values.  Many parents feel so strongly about Rutherford College Elementary, that we would pay higher property taxes just to help keep the doors open.

If you or any of your children have ever attended Rutherford College Elementary, please share this blog and show your support by writing to our local Burke County officials at:

Rutherford College Elementary School Website: http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/schools/rces/Pages/Home.aspx

Attention: Burke County, North Carolina Parents

There is a vast amount of misleading information infiltrating the schools and many parents think that school closings are a done deal.  The board of education has NOT voted on closing ANY schools to date.  It is their decision, not the superintendent.  Please come to the Board of Education meeting on Thursday, March 24th to Patton High School at 5:30 PM.  Come prepared to offer the board options or proposals to keep the schools open.  The board members have publicly expressed they will listen to the voices of the stakeholders.  They stressed how important it is for everyone in all the communities come to this meeting and voice their concerns.  They NEED to hear from the community on how consolidations will effect their children and communities.  Please let your voice be heard on Thursday, March 24th at 5:30 PM.  Come early to ensure yourself a seat.  Be a proactive parent and citizen of this community and come let your voice be heard.  If you prefer not to speak, just your presence will speak volumes in standing strong for our school, children, and communities.

Thursday, March 24th, 2011
(Thu, 3/24/11 )

Patton High School - 5:30 PM
701 Enola Road, Morganton, NC

View Larger Map

Innovative Ink is selling T-shirts with the slogan "SAVE OUR SCHOOLS" on the front.  On the back, the shirt says, "Say NO to consolidation, Say YES to community!"  The shirts are $5.00 and all proceeds will be donated to a non-profit group dedicated to saving Burke County schools.
E-Mail: james@innovativeink.net
Phone: (828) 874-7183

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