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I'd like to first say "hello" to everyone. I must lay down a single rule, and it's commonly known by many as the Golden Rule. Please treat everyone in here as you would want to be treated. I ask that no one "flames" anyone else, or say anything obscene or rude. This is a friendly discussions blog that pertains mostly to computers, music, politics, and religion, but not restricted to just these topics.

If you're looking for some computer help, then I highly recommend by starting with my first part in my series:
Computer Advice Part 1 of 9 - Hardware Terms

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Computer Protection

Computer Protection

When most people think about protecting their computer, they only think about installing an anti-virus, and making sure they're behind a firewall.  However, there has been a great increase of advertisement servers that have been getting attacked lately.  Although major websites, such as Facebook, are usually safe, these major websites may use third party companies for advertising.  Since these ad servers may have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of customers, such as Facebook, attacking these ad servers is extremely appealing for hackers since they reach a much larger audience.

To make matters worse, a huge exploit (vulnerability) has been detected in Microsoft Internet Explorer that has been around since the early days of version 6...

Besides keeping your antivirus and Microsoft Windows current and updated, switching from Microsoft Internet Explorer to another web browser may help reduce your risks.  Two free web browsers I highly recommend are...

However, just using these web browsers alone won't help keep you protected.  You will also need to block these ad servers.  To do that, you will also need to install an extension (also known as add-ons or plug-ins) called AdBlock Plus for both Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  Once you have installed Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, please visit http://adblockplus.org/, and downloand and install the AdBlock Plus extension for either Google Chrome or Mozilla firefox.  Not only will AdBlock block these ad servers, but they also block the advertisements from displaying in your web browser!  Websites will look much cleaner without all of those annoying ads!

Lastly, to help warn you of potentially harmful websites, I highly recommend also installing WOT (Web Of Trust).  First, you'll need to create an account at http://www.mywot.com/.  Then you'll need to download and install the extensions for either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  When you attempt to access a website with malicious intent, WOT will give you this warning...

Please share this with others!

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