Dungeons & Dragon Online:
Dwarven Defender "Paladin" (Cleric/Fighter)
I've been playing DDO again lately, and like most other MMORPGs I've researched, often tried calculating the "best" type of character possible, squeezing out as much as I can from my characters. I often like to play a "jack of all trades, but master of none". One who's not superior at a single, specific task, but can perform at least a couple of different roles, and preferably more. Since I get bored easily if I feel like I'm grinding at the same monotonous task repeatedly, I like to drop what I'm doing and move onto something else until I'm ready to come back. This even effects my gaming style to a degree that I like for my characters to be quite self-sufficient, relying upon others as little as possible, and even perhaps offer a helping hand, when needed. Now, onto what I designed...
First of all, I'm not a fan of Paladins, neither the old-school PnP (pen and paper) AD&D (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons) 2nd or 3rd Editions, and I'm especially not a fan of the changes Turbine made to Paladins in DDO to fit their game. So, after studying DDO's Paladin class, I was convinced that I could make a better "Paladin", using a combination of Cleric and Fighter classes, who could outfight DDO's Paladin class, but could also "outspell" them, too. Basically, making a better Paladin.
My first objection was to overcome Paladin's hit dice, which is the same as a Fighter's d10. So, for this instance, I decided to go with a Dwarf because of their +2 Constitution, and pump up their Constitution to help make up for the Cleric's d8 hit dice. Plus both Dwarves and Fighters have access to Enhancements that increase their hit points, which helps. Next, Paladins have access up to 4th level Cleric spells, meaning that I would have to dual class with a Cleric up to level 8 to have access to the same spells. But Dwarves also have access to a lot of Armor and Shield Enhancements, thus my version of the Dwarven Defender "Paladin" was born, although not quite the same as the Dwarven Defender Prestige Class in D&D 3.x Edition, which was strictly a Fighter class. Now, onto the stats!
Starting Abilities (28-point)
- Strength: 16
- Dexterity: 10
- Constitution: 18
- Intelligence: 8
- Wisdom: 14
- Charisma: 6
- +1 Strength at every 4th character level
Class Level Progress / Skill Points
- Fighter / Jump +2 / Swim +2
- Fighter / Jump +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Swim +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Jump +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Swim +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Jump +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Swim +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Jump +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Swim +1
- Cleric / Concentration +1
- Fighter / Jump +1
- Fighter / Swim +1
- Fighter / Jump +1
- 1st Level General Feat - Toughness
- 1st Level Bonus Feat - Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
- 2nd Level Bonus Feat - Shield Mastery
- 3rd Level General Feat - Diehard
- 6th Level General Feat - Stunning Blow
- 6th Level Bonus Feat - Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
- 9th Level General Feat - Power Critical
- 10th Level Bonus Feat - Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
- 12th Level General Feat - Improved Shield Mastery
- 14th Level Bonus Feat - Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
- 15th Level General Feat - Power Attack
- 18th Level General Feat - Empower Healing Spell
- 18th Level Bonus Feat - Improved Sunder
- 20th Level Bonus Feat - Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
Lastly, the Enhancements...
Dwarf 1 (Fighter 1 / Cleric 0)
- Fighter Toughness 1
- Fighter Armor Class Boost 1
- Fighter Armored Agility 1
- Fighter Improved Intimidate 1
Dwarf 2 (Fighter 2 / Cleric 0)
- Fighter Strength 1
- Dwarven Axe Damage 1
Dwarf 3 (Fighter 2 / Cleric 1)
- Dwarven Constitution 1
- Dwarven Racial Toughness 1
- Fighter Item Defense 1
Dwarf 4 (Fighter 3 / Cleric 1)
- Fighter Armor Mastery 1
- Fighter Tower Shield Mastery 1
Dwarf 5 (Fighter 3 / Cleric 2)
- Dwarven Axe Attack 1
- Fighter Critical Accuracy 1
- Fighter Strategy: Sunder 1
Dwarf 6 (Fighter 4 / Cleric 2)
- Fighter Improved Intimidate 2
- Fighter Strategy: Stunning Blow 1
- Fighter Toughess 2
Dwarf 7 (Fighter 4 / Cleric 3)
- Dwarven Axe Damage 2 (4)
Dwarf 8 (Fighter 5 / Cleric 3)
- Dwarven Constitution 2
Dwarf 9 (Fighter 5 / Cleric 4)
- Fighter Armor Class Boost 2
- Dwarven Armor Mastory 1
Dwarf 10 (Fighter 6 / Cleric 4)
- Fighter Stalwart Defender 1
Dwarf 11 (Fighter 6 / Cleric 5)
- Fighter Strength 2
Dwarf 12 (Fighter 7 / Cleric 5)
- Dwarven Axe Attack 2
Dwarf 13 (Fighter 7 / Cleric 6)
- Fighter Critical Accuracy 2
- Dwarven Armored Agility 1
- Dwarven Shield Mastery 1
Dwarf 14 (Fighter 8 / Cleric 6)
- Fighter Strategy: Sunder 2
- Fighter Strategy: Stunning Blow 2
Dwarf 15 (Fighter 8 / Cleric 7)
- Fighter Specified Weapon Specialization
- Cleric Prayer of Life 1
- Racial Toughness 2
Dwarf 16 (Fighter 9 / Cleric 7)
- Cleric Life Magic 1
- Dwarven Faith 1
- Dwarven Spell Defense 1
- Dwarven Poison Resistance 1
Dwarf 17 (Fighter 9 / Cleric 8)
- Cleric Energy of the Zealot 1
- Cleric Life Magic 2
- Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life 1
Dwarf 18 (Fighter 10 / Cleric 8)
- Dwarven Poison Resistance 2
- Dwarven Spell Defense 2
Dwarf 19 (Fighter 11 / Cleric 8)
- Cleric Energy of the Zealot 2
- Cleric Prayer of Life 2
Dwarf 20 (Fighter 12 / Cleric 8)
- Fighter Stalwart Defender 2
- Cleric Empower Healing 1
As you may notice, it's a nice blend of both offensive and defensive Feats and Enhancements. Sure, he won't be able to DPS as well as a Fighter, nor will he be able to cast as many powerful spells like a Cleric, but that's not his purpose. His role is to be a better Paladin than what DDO's Paladin class is. He'll fit well among very small groups of people who lack either a Cleric and/or a Fighter, possibly able to fill both roles. He'll mostly need to rely upon Rogues for hidden/locked doors and traps. As far as Cleric spells go, only focus on buffs and healing spells. And since he will help keep himself and his group alive rather than on DPS, I focused mostly on passive Feats and Enhancements versus those that are active.
To view the full character build, please visit...
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